How to Make Your Workplace a Text-Free Zone


While employers try to make sure that their employees are continuously being watched, which happens to be an incredibly hard task unless they have only a handful of employees to look after. Most businesses work hard to make sure that the number of hours an employee puts into working for them add up with the quotient of their productivity that will ultimately increase their monthly turnover regularly. Unfortunately, with unlimited access to office internet and texting over the cellphone, it becomes quite hard to make employees concentrate on the work and pay no mind to petty distractions. Fortunately, we have a few ways for business owners to make sure that they are able to keep internet abuse at bay and make their workplace a text-free zone. Here is how it is going to work:

Keep an Eye on Text Logs via Spy Apps

Spy applications are a great way to keep an eye on employee and their cellular activities. Not only does it provide you complete logs of every single text message sent and received by employees in a workplace, but they can also provide you with detailed records of such interactions that include the frequency of the texts being sent, to whom the text are being sent, etc. Additionally, you can also keep eye on emails sent by the employee and also keep an eye on the various messaging services like WhatsApp, Line and Viber being used by the employee. This way, employees can easily catch and expose employees that exchange text messages in a workplace and deal with them accordingly.

Use Cell Block Services to Cut off Access to Cellular Network

Some spy applications, like TheOneSpy, allow users to temporarily deactivate the target device’s access to cellular network. This way all incoming and outgoing interactions between your employees and others can be postponed for the time being, giving them to properly concentrate on their work in the absence of any sort of distractions provided by spy applications. Additionally, this can also let you employees know how serious you are with the whole no texting in the workplace thingy.

Make Company Wi-Fi inaccessible on Cellular Devices

Another way to cut off an employee’s interaction with others via text messaging is by making company Wi-Fi inaccessible to employee’s cellular devices. This way, once the employees cellular connectivity is cut off and he or she no longer has access to company’s Wi-Fi as well, the only thing left to do for them would be to actually do what they come to do their all along – work.

Create Mobile Usage Policy

Let’s go old school on this one. As you must know most schools frown upon the use of smartphones and other similar devices during school hours and if the student is caught using such a device, they get punished according to their the intensity of their discretion. They smartphones might be taken away or maybe they’d have to pay a fine for using it. As the business owner, you have as many rights as the captain of the ship at sea, you can employee such measures at your workplace too since you and no one would be able to tell you otherwise. This way you can not only control workplace tecting but also put an effective end to it eventually.

Keep Employees Engaged

Another way to make sure that employees refrain from workplace texting is by keeping them continuously engaged in office work. To put it rather harshly, give them ample amount of work with a strict deadline. This way they would not have a moment to waste and they would do their work more diligently then they used to because they have a deadline to keep up with.

The Bottom Line

Employee texting in the workplace is a major setback being faced by businesses everywhere. With the technology becoming more and more common each day it is becoming quite hard to keep employees from using their cellphones to text their co-workers and friends from work too. Yet, fore-stated are a few ways you can try to keep your employees from texting, which if employed correctly can not only do as you please but also increase work productivity and keep employees engaged.

Angelica Dowson, a blogger by profession, an author significantly contributes towards mobile security, Monitoring Employee. If you want to know more about her you can follow her on twitter @angelicadowson2