Why You Need the Foursquare App


Everyone likes to be able to keep in touch with their friends and using social networking is one of the best ways to do it. There are many social networking sites and apps out there available for use but not all of them are created equally. Some apps do different things than others. Checking in on Facebook is one of the cool features of having the Facebook mobile app. Many people did not know it but there is a fun app called Foursquare that allows users to do something very similar. Want to know more? Here’s the deal.

What Can You Do With Foursquare?

There is so much that you can do once you download Foursquare. The great thing about it is that it is a free app and it can easily be found in the Apple app store. Once you download it, just like with any other form of social networking, you will need an account. Once you get set up, you can start checking in wherever you go. Checking in means that you hit the check in button and then you find the place you are at and check in. You can tag friends with you or let people know why you were there. If you check into the same place a certain number of times, you can become the mayor of that specific location. Additionally, you will be able to earn badges. This means that if you check into three or more different malls, you will earn a Mall Rat badge, and so on. You can also post tips and pictures using Foursquare so that other people know what is good at a restaurant or maybe even where is a great place to sit or stand at a concert venue.

foursquare apps

Other Information About Foursquare

The main goal when you download Foursquare is for you to be at the top of the leaderboard. You also do not want people to steal your mayorships, but you will want to steal theirs. Remember that the more times you check into the same place, the better chance you have at becoming the mayor. Additionally, you will be able to add your Facebook friends or search for other friends who also have Foursquare account on Foursquare if you want to and this can be a really fun way to keep up with what they are doing.

If you have never tried Foursquare before but you were looking for a fun, new form of social networking, it may prove to be worth downloading for you. It may seem like a simple, boring app but Foursquare has so much to offer and it’s completely free so if you try it and do not like it, you can easily delete it without wasting any money. Foursquare is a fun app for you to play with while you are out and about. Eventually, you will get so used to checking in places that it will become habit and you will see how fun Foursquare really is!

About the author: Summer G. is a writer for www.mycriminaljusticecareers.com. If you want to take a look at what you can do with a criminal justice, take a look at this site.