Top 5 WordPress Plugins to Counter the Panda Updates


Plenty of websites and blogs were massively hit by the Panda Updates which began way back in Feb 2011. But, ever since then there have been constant changes to the algorithm. There were various reasons as to why entire blogs and websites lost their traffic right from bad SEO techniques and strategies – Usually black hat techniques, useless content and bad backlinks.

Therefore, if at all you want to keep your blog high in the Google index you would need to make sure that it is Panda friendly. There are plenty of WordPress plugins that are created to help you modify your content and fix it in terms of the Panda algorithm.

Making your blog Panda friendly requires time and you may need to put in a lot of efforts; it may seem difficult, but in no way is it impossible.

There are plenty of WordPress plugins that would help you overcome all these issues which may seem petty to you, but are a great hindrance to your blog in the eyes of Google. So, let’s take a look at the top 5 WordPress plugins to counter the Panda Updates:

Admin Word Count Column

Many bloggers allow others to post on their blogs and very often it is these people that post inappropriate content – content that is low on words and high on links. This is a bad signal and your blog as a whole could be affected. Therefore, most people suggest that the minimum word count of each post should be at least 400 words. But, the best length post would be one that covers the topic in entirety – irrespective of the number of words.

Broken Link Checker

404 errors are a real pain as they make your blogs visibility in search engines decrease. Therefore, you should be able to spot them the moment they’re broken and fix them. Hence, using the Broken Link checker plugin is really crucial for a successful blog.

WordPress SEO – By Yoast

If you’re looking for help to enter Tags, titles, Meta descriptions and keywords to your blog post without going deep into the HTML coding, you should definitely use WordPress SEO as it lets you enter them directly in a sort of form.
Wordpress Plugins

Meta Robots WordPress Plugin

Even though search engines don’t completely rely on Meta tags anymore due to the misuse of them by several bloggers, they are still really important. Therefore, if you want help when it comes to adding the right Meta tags to your blog post, you should use this plugin.

SEO search terms tagging

This is one of the most useful plugins when you consider SEO, because it would help you optimize your site and defeat the Panda. Using this plugin, you would know exactly which keywords are bringing you traffic. But, you need to be careful when it comes to tagging as over tagging is a blunder that the Panda algorithm hates.

Therefore, just by using a few cool plugins, you would be able to save your blog from the clutches of the Evil Panda!

About the author: Abhishek likes to explore different WordPress plugins. He is a content writer and also manages a WordPress blog. In his spare time he likes to read about WordPress support related articles.