Use the Internet to Save and Make Money

make money online

If there is one thing we know it’s that there are no get rich quick schemes which work on the Internet. Fortunately though if you become Internet savvy it is possible to make huge savings on items you buy often, and you can even make a few extra pounds too. If you are looking to become a lot more sensible with your money, and make every penny count, use these tips below and you’ll be starting off on the right foot.

  1. Set up a new email address and keep it for your money saving and earnings. This will help you to keep track of earnings and offers without filling up your usual inbox used for work or for personal reasons.
  2. Create a PayPal account or something similar as you can get paid easily without giving out any of your personal banking details. Staying safe online is vital so if someone asks for your bank account don’t give it to them. Using PayPal or a similar banking site allows people to pay you by only providing them with your email address.
  3. Sign up to sites which will pay you for clicking through to shops on their site. When websites have adverts on their site they often receive commission each time those ads are clicked. There are some excellent websites which will reward you financially for clicking their links. They give you a proportion of what they make and everyone benefits.
  4. Look for cheaper deals on insurance for you cars, pets and the house. Many companies are fighting for your custom and you can find massive savings online and reduce your bills by a couple of hundred pounds each year.
  5. Switch your energy suppliers. Once again you will find that it’s possible to get a much cheaper deal on all your utility bills online. These savings also add up to hundreds of pounds and will really make a difference to your household budget.
  6. Tell your friends. Many website will thank you if you spread the word about their money saving services. Referring friends takes minutes, and if they sign up you could be rewarded financially. The best thing to do is speak to your friends beforehand and let them know about the benefit of the site before passing on their details. They will be more likely to click through and sign up if they know what it’s about first.
About the author: If you would like to save money on your bills and earn some rewards visit the website for more information and advice.