How One Can Spy Using Smartphones

mobile spy

Consider this – in the recent past there has been plenty of news about people unearthing instances of companies spying on owners of smartphones. The Atlantic Wire carried news of an Android app called Carrier IQ which comes inbuilt into smartphones and can record keystrokes. Another London Times investigation revealed that companies like Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, Flickr and Badoo are infringing upon people’s privacy by gaining access to smartphones and the texts that are being through the device. Can you be a super spy with a smartphone? The answer is yes and here is how you can use cell phone spying using Smartphones.

What helps you in spying smartphones?

mobile spyThere are so many leading mobile monitoring spy software products in the market today. Almost all of them can be downloaded from the internet after you have purchased the product. Once the purchase process is completed, you will get an online account and directions to an installation procedure as well. You will need the mobile phone in your hand to install the programme. After successful installation, a completely concealed application runs in the background of the device. This application will help you in your role as a spy and will continuously upload records of all activities being conducted on the phone to your online account. These records can be seen from logging on to your account from any device.

Why use smartphone to spy?

The need to spy using smartphones can come from worried parents, employers trying to prevent misuse of office phones and property by employees, suspicious spouses and if all those news articles are to be believed, corporate entities too. Regardless of who is doing the spying, the installed monitoring software can be used to spy on the phone user in many different ways. This includes listening to and recording telephone calls, reading sent and received text messages, monitoring video calls and so on. You can also track the GPS locations of the phone user through mobile monitoring apps.

Remotely Spying a Smartphone

With the sending of a specifically worded text message, you can turn on the smartphone even if it is in some other location. With this transmission, the device, which will show no visible indication of having received the message, will turn on a hidden microphone through which you can listen to the conversations happening in a room. You can also use the device as a hidden webcam. Placing the device in a strategic location – you can turn on its function of a web camera and monitor the images that it is showing you.

Eavesdropping on conversations

With the online account, you will get continuous updates on all the conversations that are taking place through the smartphone. You can have access to the contacts list on the device and the entire conversations that are taking place too. In fact, you can even keep track of the video calls that are going out of and coming into the smartphone.

Surveillance on the messages

Whether it is MMS or text messages, the application will be able to generate all information pertaining to the same. You can check for content of the messages and ascertain all the information that is useful to you.

About the author: Lucille J Cronk is a blogger who is enthusiastic about cell phone technology and especially smartphones. She has her own blog on smartphone applications and mobile spy.