No DVD Drive in Laptop. No Problem!

Laptop DVD Drive

Now-a-days, there are all kinds of laptops being released in the market are witout DVD Drives. If you’re one amongst who wants to buy such laptop or already bought one, you must be worried a little. But don’t be. With the following Tips, you can enjoy the laptop with the same zeal as with a laptop having DVD Drive

Laptops without DVD Drives are always great to have, as they are ultra-thin and light-weight, easy to carry, consumes less power.

But the fact of the matter is that most of us rarely use disc drives these days, but still it is preferred to have DVD drive to watch movies, or burn a disc.

Here are the best ways to do those things without an internal disc drive.

Option 1:

Buy a External Hard Disk Drive or a Flash Drive

Off late you can find a lot of external HDDs in the market, with much cheaper costs, it is advised to have one always with you to carry the stuffs which are important, like recovery files, music files, movies and etc.
You can also install a new OS into your computer with this, it is pretty easy too.

Option 2:

Buy an external DVD Drive

USB external DVD drives are available in abundance, buy yourself one and carry with you for emergency situations, just plug it and you are ready to use an DVD Drive. It is very easy.
Laptop DVD Drive
Option 3:

Rip DVDs to laptop

You have a few options when it comes to ripping DVDs. We recommend the Handbrake method, which works on both Windows and Mac. It takes a bit of initial setup and a longer time to rip, but you’ll be able to play the movies on anything, even your smartphone or tablet, and they won’t take up a lot of space. Alternatively, you can use a program called MakeMKV, which is much faster and easier to use, but the files will take up much more space, and you’ll need a program like VLC to play them. If you have the space to spare though, MakeMKV is a fantastic, easy option.

It may take some time getting used to it at first, but you might be surprised at how easy it is to survive without a DVD drive in your computer — plus, you’ll then be able to enjoy all the other benefits of a light, ultra-thin laptop.

Have fun with your thin and lightweight laptop