5 Ways Cloud Computing Can Help Your Small Business Dominate


In an economy that provides limited advantages from which the small business owner can capitalize, cloud computing has been a breath of fresh air. With the stress of high overhead costs and the constant search for the latest technology, small business owners often look for any way to get a leg up on the competition. With the expanded use of cloud computing, small businesses now have a new method of dominating their competition. The question is whether they can use cloud computing to propel their business above all others or if they’ll let the capabilities go to waste. The following are five ways that cloud computing can actively help your small business dominate the competition.

1. Low Overhead

Perhaps the most appealing aspect of cloud computing for small business owners is the pay-as-you-go aspect. In essence, you only pay for the service and storage that you’re currently using. There is no erroneous overhead, but you still have the undeniably attractive option to pay for more usage if your company grows and requires such. Instead of having to invest in the software or backup system that you’ll need five years from now (when you’re considerably bigger), you can adjust as time goes on and save money.


2. Easy Accessibility

The accessibility of cloud computing is a major incentive for small business owners, as it allows employees to access the cloud data from practically anywhere instead of having to carry a memory card or come into the office. Whether you are on a business trip or one of your employees is on vacation and forgot to submit a report, cloud computing makes many of the inconveniences of inaccessibility a mere thing of the past.

3. Organization

Along with the ease of cloud computing’s accessibility comes the enthrall of its simple organization. That is, it allows you to effortlessly organize your data all in a virtual cloud of storage. In other words, you can put all of the data that is crucial to your business in one highly organized virtual location. From your initial business plan to your employee records and various other company documents, cloud computing puts it all together, preventing any dreaded last minute scramble to find the needed documents for a client or meeting.

In addition, investing in an enterprise-level cloud back-up system can prove invaluable for your business in the long run. With affordable options like MozyPro, CoreVault, and the VaultLogix cloud backup system, such an investment ensures the information vital to your business will stay safe and secure in one centralized place.

4. A Virtual Employee

In many ways the utilization of cloud computing is not unlike having another employee to manage tasks. Certain cloud software is entirely capable of producing/sending invoices to clients, as well as organizing and synchronizing employee payroll.

5. Digitize Everything

In an age where most every business has digitized at least a portion of their documents, some still use hardcopy memos and handouts to give to employees and customers. Cloud computing provides the option to completely eliminate hardcopies. In addition, for those businesses just a step above that utilize email to circulate documents, cloud computing makes the process even simpler. With cloud computing, you have the capability to digitize all of your documents in one centralized location granting access to all of your employees.


Every small business (or any business at all for that matter) is constantly looking for a way to dominate the competition. Cloud computing offers numerous examples of ways that a small business owner can capitalize on data-involved aspects of their business. While purchasing a backup system like MozyPro is a proactive step in gearing your business towards industry domination, many other options, such as the VaultLogix cloud backup system and CoreVault are equally reliable options to propel your business to the next level.